Post by Jim_HigginsAAA asks feds to halt E15 sale
Which will be wonderful if they do. We've been scammed big time by the
AG industry and corrupt congress members who have been bought by big
Corn is for food, not fuel. We can't feed the world's population now,
why are we ruining our vehicles, destroying food that can be better used?
Consider this: the improvement in emissions is about equal to the drop
in mileage! That is, there is no net improvement. Yes, there is a small
improvement in the emissions emitted per gallon of fuel, but that is
negated by the fact you don't go as far on that gallon.
Now they (AG and the corrupt government people) are trying to say that
cars built after 2001 will be 'ok' with E15-E20! They conviently ignore
the fact that there are many pre-2001 vehicles, owned by people who do
not have the resources to replace them (or who will have to do without
other things such as food, if they do have to buy a new car!) Add to
that the big hit the economy will take by trying to scrap millions of
cars, and replace them--cheap imports will become the thing, moving
billions (trillions) off-shore all to make a very few rich people more
money. We then would have to consider the environmental impact of these
damaged vehicles, the environmental impact of scrapping these vehicles,
the environmental impact of trying to build new vehicles--all of which
clearly show that what they are proposing is foolish (except for the
politicians who reap millions in kickbacks (usually as phony election
donations, consultant contracts, etc.) and the AG big shots who will
make millions at the expense of the people, country, and environment.
OK, it is business as usual: screw everyone else, I want mine!
I'm never going to grow up.