The Two Edge Sword of Using Cars to Raise Taxes - read.905.ew
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2012-08-05 12:54:18 UTC
As the sale of gasoline goes down (drivers driving less and buying
less) so goes the tax revenue.
Government bodies have long ago set themselves a trap by depending on
taxes raised from the sale of gasoline. Some areas have replaced that
with traffic cameras to issue tickets. Might work.
The two biggest issues for government might be:
1. Fuel effiencient vehicles are a good thing for drivers, a bad thing
for tax revenue.
2. Electric vehicles stop the flow of lucrative gasoline tax.
How will governments replace that revenue? or How will governments
keep that money flow comming in from drivers?
2012-08-06 06:59:26 UTC
Post by 21trumpets
As the sale of gasoline goes down (drivers driving less and buying
less) so goes the tax revenue.
Government bodies have long ago set themselves a trap by depending on
taxes raised from the sale of gasoline. Some areas have replaced that
with traffic cameras to issue tickets. Might work.
1. Fuel effiencient vehicles are a good thing for drivers, a bad thing
for tax revenue.
2. Electric vehicles stop the flow of lucrative gasoline tax.
How will governments replace that revenue? or How will governments
keep that money flow comming in from drivers?
Not to worry.

New taxes invented all the time
