Post by Ed PawlowskiOn Thu, 16 Aug 2012 17:35:30 -0500, Paul in Houston TX
Post by Paul in Houston TXOTH, I just got back from South Texas, again,
this time in a Chevy Captiva. I did not like it.
Hearing protection is mandatory.
My all time fav rentals are Ford products.
Rented a Hyundai Sonata in 2006 and was impressed. Bought a 2007, a
2010, and last week got my 2013 with the 2.O liter turbo and every
option they have.
My own car is a 2006 Kia Spectra.
I have not found any car as good as that one yet.
Within the last two months I have rented a
2012 Sonata and 2012 Elantra.
Both have superb exterior styling.
Hyundai really has that down.
I was not impressed with the interiors though.
Example: my 06 Kia has visors that extend,
the new Hyundai's do not and leave annoying
gaps that let the sun through. IMO, interiors
have gotten cheaper in quality compared to my 06.
The Sonata did not do very well in South Texas.
It got a broken windshield from a few drops
of rain while the air temp was over 109.
Then the right front wheel cracked.
Fortunately it gave vibration warning.
I liked the Elantra better than the Sonata
although I thought both were underpowered.
Keep in mind that these are fleet rental types.