2012-10-08 18:02:28 UTC
From A
RelayRides and OnStar: Baby, You Can Rent My Ca
Millions of subscribers can instantly access nationwide peer-to-pee
car sharing marke
DETROIT General Motors' OnStar subscribers can now rent out thei
idle vehicles through the RelayRides marketplace, leveraging OnSta
connectivity already active in their vehicles to potentially ear
hundreds of dollars a month to offset the cost of owning a vehicle
RelayRides' renters can unlock reserved OnStar-enabled cars simply b
using their smart phones. RelayRides is the first third-part
developer to integrate with GM OnStar's proprietary applicatio
program interface (API) that will be available to other developer
later this summer
OnStar's connectivity solution provides RelayRides' members wit
increased security, reliability and accessibility. Individuals wh
forgo car ownership can conveniently access affordable and reliabl
transportation in a Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, or Cadillac. Owners o
these OnStar-enabled GM vehicles rent out their cars and turn thei
idle vehicles into an income source without the hassle of installin
expensive aftermarket hardware or having to meet a renter to hand of
"General Motors, through OnStar, and RelayRides have joine
forces to create an entirely new mobility solution for U.S. driver
interested in more affordable, sustainable and collaborativ
automobile options," said Nick Pudar vice president OnSta
Strategy and New Business Development. "Our exclusiv
relationship with RelayRides provides an exciting new choice: th
first automobiles to run on collaborative consumption.
Through OnStar's proprietary API, RelayRides developers were give
access to key vehicle-centric features such as location and remot
door lock and unlock. This means renters can unlock the doors wit
their smart phone or by replying to a text message. Depending o
location and availability of the car, RelayRides marketplac
participants can earn hundreds of dollars per month from their idl
vehicles. Owners whose cars are not OnStar-enabled can still rent ou
their vehicles through the RelayRides' marketplace by exchanging key
with the renter, or reactivating their OnStar subscriptions
OnStar services are enabled by its Advanced Telematics Operatin
Management System (ATOMS), which is the most powerful automotive clou
platform in the market today and connects about 6 million OnSta
customers globally. Later this summer, OnStar will make it
proprietary API available to third-party developers
Studies show that each shared car results in up to 13 fewer cars o
the road, leading to less- congested roads and less pollution
"Using the OnStar API to access GM vehicles empowers RelayRide
to make car sharing even safer and more convenient," said Shelb
Clark, RelayRides founder and Chief Community Officer. "The shee
number of vehicles eligible for the program allows us to greatl
expand across the U.S. and introduce the economic, environmental an
community benefits of car sharing to regions that car sharing service
have previously been unable to serve.
RelayRides pioneered peer-to-peer car sharing when it launched i
Boston in June 2010 and expanded into San Francisco later that year
In March 2012, RelayRides became the first service to launc
nationwide, introducing a key-exchange program to enable renters an
owners to enjoy the benefits of car sharing. Relay Rides provides al
vehicle owners with a $1 million insurance policy for owners for th
duration of the rental and a $300,000 policy for renters
About RelayRide
RelayRides is the first nationwide peer-to-peer car sharin
marketplace. The company connects people who need a car with vehicl
owners whose rides would otherwise go unused, and backs it
reservations with an insurance policy. RelayRides has raised more tha
$13 million in venture capital funding from investors including Googl
Ventures, August Capital, Shasta Ventures and General Motors Ventures
For more information, go to
About OnSta
OnStar, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors, is the leadin
provider of connected safety and security solutions, value-added
mobility services and advanced information technology. Available on
more than 40 MY 2012 GM models globally, OnStar is now also available
for installation on most other vehicles on the road through a new
retail product called OnStar FMV (For My Vehicle). OnStar FMV has been
awarded the Good Housekeeping Seal. The OnStar RemoteLink Mobile App
is a recipient of the 2011 Edison Award for Best New Product in the
Remote Driving Aids segment. OnStar safely connects its more than six
million customers, in the U.S., Canada and China, in ways never
thought possible. More information about OnStar can be found at
RelayRides and OnStar: Baby, You Can Rent My Ca
Millions of subscribers can instantly access nationwide peer-to-pee
car sharing marke
DETROIT General Motors' OnStar subscribers can now rent out thei
idle vehicles through the RelayRides marketplace, leveraging OnSta
connectivity already active in their vehicles to potentially ear
hundreds of dollars a month to offset the cost of owning a vehicle
RelayRides' renters can unlock reserved OnStar-enabled cars simply b
using their smart phones. RelayRides is the first third-part
developer to integrate with GM OnStar's proprietary applicatio
program interface (API) that will be available to other developer
later this summer
OnStar's connectivity solution provides RelayRides' members wit
increased security, reliability and accessibility. Individuals wh
forgo car ownership can conveniently access affordable and reliabl
transportation in a Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, or Cadillac. Owners o
these OnStar-enabled GM vehicles rent out their cars and turn thei
idle vehicles into an income source without the hassle of installin
expensive aftermarket hardware or having to meet a renter to hand of
"General Motors, through OnStar, and RelayRides have joine
forces to create an entirely new mobility solution for U.S. driver
interested in more affordable, sustainable and collaborativ
automobile options," said Nick Pudar vice president OnSta
Strategy and New Business Development. "Our exclusiv
relationship with RelayRides provides an exciting new choice: th
first automobiles to run on collaborative consumption.
Through OnStar's proprietary API, RelayRides developers were give
access to key vehicle-centric features such as location and remot
door lock and unlock. This means renters can unlock the doors wit
their smart phone or by replying to a text message. Depending o
location and availability of the car, RelayRides marketplac
participants can earn hundreds of dollars per month from their idl
vehicles. Owners whose cars are not OnStar-enabled can still rent ou
their vehicles through the RelayRides' marketplace by exchanging key
with the renter, or reactivating their OnStar subscriptions
OnStar services are enabled by its Advanced Telematics Operatin
Management System (ATOMS), which is the most powerful automotive clou
platform in the market today and connects about 6 million OnSta
customers globally. Later this summer, OnStar will make it
proprietary API available to third-party developers
Studies show that each shared car results in up to 13 fewer cars o
the road, leading to less- congested roads and less pollution
"Using the OnStar API to access GM vehicles empowers RelayRide
to make car sharing even safer and more convenient," said Shelb
Clark, RelayRides founder and Chief Community Officer. "The shee
number of vehicles eligible for the program allows us to greatl
expand across the U.S. and introduce the economic, environmental an
community benefits of car sharing to regions that car sharing service
have previously been unable to serve.
RelayRides pioneered peer-to-peer car sharing when it launched i
Boston in June 2010 and expanded into San Francisco later that year
In March 2012, RelayRides became the first service to launc
nationwide, introducing a key-exchange program to enable renters an
owners to enjoy the benefits of car sharing. Relay Rides provides al
vehicle owners with a $1 million insurance policy for owners for th
duration of the rental and a $300,000 policy for renters
About RelayRide
RelayRides is the first nationwide peer-to-peer car sharin
marketplace. The company connects people who need a car with vehicl
owners whose rides would otherwise go unused, and backs it
reservations with an insurance policy. RelayRides has raised more tha
$13 million in venture capital funding from investors including Googl
Ventures, August Capital, Shasta Ventures and General Motors Ventures
For more information, go to
About OnSta
OnStar, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors, is the leadin
provider of connected safety and security solutions, value-added
mobility services and advanced information technology. Available on
more than 40 MY 2012 GM models globally, OnStar is now also available
for installation on most other vehicles on the road through a new
retail product called OnStar FMV (For My Vehicle). OnStar FMV has been
awarded the Good Housekeeping Seal. The OnStar RemoteLink Mobile App
is a recipient of the 2011 Edison Award for Best New Product in the
Remote Driving Aids segment. OnStar safely connects its more than six
million customers, in the U.S., Canada and China, in ways never
thought possible. More information about OnStar can be found at